Adult Basic Skills Education and Aspire programs offer free services to help prepare adults for the high school equivalence test, postsecondary education, and employment.
Adult Basic Skills Education and Aspire programs offer free services to help prepare adults for the high school equivalence test, postsecondary education, and employment.
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Credential: A state license, industry credential, or certificate earned from an Ohio Technical Center.
Earnings After Exit: The amount of money earned per year (adjusted for inflation to 2020 dollars) for paid employment in Ohio. Earnings are reported as the median across all employed exiters or completers.
Industry: Industries are broad groups of businesses or organizations with similar activities, products, or services. Employers are classified into industries using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). For more information see:
Occupation: A category of jobs with a similar mix of knowledge, skills, and abilities that are performed using a variety of activities and tasks. For more information see:
Participant: Individual who received services from the career resource reported in the dashboard.
Percent with Same Employer: Percent of employed individuals who have the same employer over time (from 6 months after exit to one year after exit).
Continuing Education: Education or training beyond the high school level such as college or technical school.
Regions: Economic development areas as defined by JobsOhio. For more information see:
Resource: A job/career service provider (e.g. an OhioMeansJobs center, career center, Joint Vocational School District), Ohio Technical Center, or Ohio public college.
Student: Individual who is enrolled in a high school, technical college, or other education program.